Density plot coclustering stability across subsampled data.
This function creates a density plot that shows, for all pairs of observations that originally clustered together, the distribution of the the fractions that those pairs clustered together across subsampled data.
Density plot (class "gg", "ggplot") of the distribution of coclustering across pairs and subsamples of the data.
# my_dl <- data_list(
# list(subc_v, "subcortical_volume", "neuroimaging", "continuous"),
# list(income, "household_income", "demographics", "continuous"),
# list(pubertal, "pubertal_status", "demographics", "continuous"),
# uid = "unique_id"
# )
# sc <- snf_config(my_dl, n_solutions = 5, max_k = 40)
# sol_df <- batch_snf(my_dl, sc)
# my_dl_subsamples <- subsample_dl(
# my_dl,
# n_subsamples = 20,
# subsample_fraction = 0.85
# )
# batch_subsample_results <- batch_snf_subsamples(
# my_dl_subsamples,
# sc,
# verbose = TRUE
# )
# coclustering_results <- calculate_coclustering(
# batch_subsample_results,
# sol_df,
# verbose = TRUE
# )
# cocluster_density(cocluster_dfs[[1]])