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metasnf 2.0.6

Bug fixes

  • fixed rbind for classes solutions_df and ext_solutions_df not preserving the class type of the contained weights_matrix
  • printing solutions_df or ext_solutions_df restricts output to 10 line max by default


  • update for CRAN resubmission

metasnf 2.0.5

Bug fixes

  • calc_aris (as of v2, v1 is still fine) incorrectly excluded the first observation from ARI calculations.
  • merge.data_list wasn’t properly integrating updated parameter names
  • prevent solutions_df and ext_solutions_df from having 0 rows
  • use solution column in mc_manhattan_plot() when extended solutions data frame has no MC labels

Code formatting

  • print.solutions_df title was set as print method for weights matrix
  • replace dl_1/dl_2 with x&y for consistency in merge.data_list()

New functions

  • added as.list() for dist_fns_list, clust_fns_list, and data_list objects

Performance improvements

  • convert weights matrix to a regular matrix prior to printing reduces print time
  • same as last commit
  • weights matrix rbinding is faster when treated as a matrix
  • deprecated message on generate_settings_matrix needed paste0
  • solutions data frame printing above 10 rows will default to 10 rows
  • print.solutions_df() misprinted the number of observations in the solutions data frame

metasnf 2.0.4


  • merge_dls() is superseded by merge.data_lists()

Bug fixes

  • ext_solutions_df manipulation won’t drop summary_features and features attributes
  • estimate_nclust_given_graph has more resiliency to floating point errors through tryCatch statement during eigengap quality assignment

metasnf 2.0.3

  • bugfix: estimate_nclust_given_graph has more resiliency to floating point errors through tryCatch loop updating eigenvalue scaling
  • added functions: added dplyr_row_slice() functions for classes solutions_df and ext_solutions_df

metasnf 2.0.2


metasnf 2.0.1

Bug fixes

  • extend_solutions was not assigning feature types properly during p-value calculations
  • rbind.ext_solutions_df now takes ... parameter before reset_indices parameter to avoid error during calls with unnamed parameters.
  • rbind.solutions_df now takes ... parameter before reset_indices parameter to avoid error during call without named parameters.
  • slicing snf_config object made weights matrix lose its class

metasnf 2.0.0

CRAN release: 2025-02-04

Breaking changes

  • Extensive changes as a result of a transition to making use of R’s S3 OOP system.

Name changes and new classes

  • data list (class list) -> (class data_list, list)
  • solutions matrix (class data.frame) -> solutions data frame (class solutions_df, data.frame)
  • extended solutions matrix (class data.frame) -> extended solutions data frame (class ext_solutions_df, data.frame)
  • settings matrix -> settings data frame (class data.frame) -> (class ext_solutions_df, data.frame)
  • distance metrics list (class list) -> distance functions list (class dist_fns_list, list)
  • clustering algorithms list (class list) -> clustering functions list (class clust_fns_list, list)
  • weights matrix (class matrix, array) -> (class weights_matrix, matrix, array)

Function changes

Workflow changes

  • Functionality offered by the settings matrix, distance metrics list, clustering algorithms list, weights matrix, and corresponding functions (generate_settings_matrix(), generate_distance_metrics_list(), generate_weights_matrix(), generate_clust_algs_list()) now all superseded by single function snf_config() and the snf_config class object it produces
  • Following derivation of a split_vector, either by adjusted_rand_index_heatmap() or shiny_annotator(), solutions_df and ext_solutions_df class objects can be annotated with their meta cluster labels using the function label_meta_clusters(). This is necessary prior to usage of get_representative_solutions().
  • Functions that convert non-data frame objects, like a data list, to a data frame, have been replaced with
  • Requesting similarity matrices are returned during batch_snf no longer changes the output structure from a solutions data frame to a list of a solutions data frame and a similarity matrix list. Instead, the similarity matrix list is added to the solutions data frame as an attribute and can be extracted using the function sim_mats_list().


  • Significant speed improvement to calculate_coclustering() function
  • The p-value heatmap now follows a uni-color palette.
  • Customized print() functions have been defined for all major metasnf objects.
  • Examples have been added to all major metasnf functions.

metasnf 1.1.2

CRAN release: 2024-11-08

  • update settings matrix vignette to avoid convergence error on some seeds

metasnf 1.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-11-08

  • inclusion column bugfixes from 1.1.0

metasnf 1.1.0

  • Verbose parameter added to printing functions. By default set to FALSE.
  • CRAN compliant @return values in documentation.

metasnf 1.0.0

Last update before CRAN submission.

Breaking changes

  • Changing seed during settings matrix generation has been deprecated. Please manually call set.seed prior to generate_settings_matrix instead.


  • Package size reduced by downscaling vignette images

metasnf 0.7.2

Bug fix

  • Function estimate_nclust_given_graph() occasionally yielded incorrect number of cluster estimates as a result of improper scaling in metasnf v0.7.0. The scaling should be corrected now.

Breaking changes

  • Considerable changes have been made to the co-clustering workflow, including new heatmap and density plot.

metasnf 0.7.1

Possible breaking changes

  • Occasionally, spectral clustering results may yield an n-cluster solution where n differed from the number of clusters requested as a parameter in the spectral clustering function itself. Now, the spectral clustering functions provided in metasnf have been updated to report the actual number of clusters in the generated solution, rather than the number of clusters that was requested

metasnf 0.7.0

Minor changes

  • warnings provided when generating a data list with duplicate feature names
  • warnings provided when using mc_manhattan_plot() with a data list containing duplicate feature names
  • mc_manhattan_plot() parameter rep_solution replaced with more accurate name extended_solutions_matrix (solutions matrix with _pval columns)

Bug fix

  • SNFtool::estimateNumberOfClustersGivenGraph() could occasionally error out on the basis of calculating eigenvectors (eigengap heuristic) for a Laplacian with floating point values that were too small. Adapted function estimate_nclust_given_graph() slightly scales up Laplacian to reduce the risk of encountering this error (presumably without any change to resulting cluster number estimate)

metasnf 0.6.8

New functionality

  • get_matrix_order has arguments allowing users to control which distance metric and agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods are used to sort matrices

metasnf 0.6.7

Minor changes

  • More consistent usage of “feature” over “variable” across documentation.
  • New mock ABCD dataframes - like the old ones, but without the “abcd_” prefix and with a more accurate “unique_id” UID column rather than “patient”

metasnf 0.6.6

New functionality

  • get_complete_uids quickly pulls UIDs of observations with complete data from a list of dataframes

metasnf 0.6.5

Bug fix

  • extend_solutions doesn’t crash on multi-feature target lists

metasnf 0.6.4

Minor changes

  • Warning message provided when subjects are dropped during generate_data_list()
  • New remove_missing parameter for generate_data_list allowing subjects with incomplete data to remain in the data list

metasnf 0.6.3

Bug fixes

  • ensure cluster variable is treated as factor during autoplotting
  • bugfix on autoplots built from tibbles rather than dataframes


  • Added clarity to lp_solutions_matrix error message when training set is not subset of full data list
  • generate_data_list list elements now are named after their components
  • added heatmap parameters to increase plotting flexibility

New functionality

  • added generic save_plot function and option to pass cluster_df directly into auto_plot (useful for label propagation)
  • add merge_data_lists functionality to horizontally merge data lists

metasnf 0.6.2

Bug fixes

  • extend_solutions() will no longer crash when a data_list has the UID column in non-first position.
  • generate_data_list() enforces the UID column to be in first position of each dataframe.

metasnf 0.6.1

New functionality

  • auto_plot() will automatically generate bar and/or jitter plots showing how features in a data_list/target_list are distributed across a single cluster solution

metasnf 0.6.0

New functionality

  • shiny_annotator() function can be used to identify indices of meta clusters within an adjusted_rand_index_heatmap
  • adjusted_rand_index_heatmap() now has a split_vector parameter that will slice a heatmap into meta clusters
  • rename_dl() can be used to rename features in a data_list
  • manhattan_plot has been split into var_manhattan_plot (key variable - all variables), esm_manhattan_plot (cluster solutions in an extended solutions matrix to all variables), and mc_manhattan_plot (like esm_manhattan_plot, but at the meta-cluster level)
  • get_representative_solutions extracts max-ARI solutions from an extended solutions matrix based on a split_vector containing meta cluster boundaries
  • batch_nmi calculates NMI scores (see
  • extend_solutions will only calculate p-value summary measures (min/max/mean) for data_list passed in as a target_list parameter, but will also accept and calculate p-values for a data_list passed in through the data_list parameter
  • heatmap function adjusted_rand_index_heatmap and assoc_pval_heatmap have updated parameters to improve ease of use and flexibility (including easier colour control)

Deprecated functions

  • get_clustered_subs has been removed (does the same thing as get_cluster_df)
  • get_cluster_pval deprecated for calc_assoc_pval
  • All functions related to target_lists specifically have been deprecated in favour of simply using generate_data_list() and its corresponding functions

Name changes

  • remove_signal has been renamed to linear_adjust to better reflect its function
  • summarize_distance_metrics_list has been shortened to summarize_dml
  • correlation_pval_heatmap has been renamed to assoc_pval_heatmap
  • calc_om_aris has been renamed to calc_aris

Other changes

  • Vignettes have been updated
  • Warnings are raised if spectral clustering does not generate a cluster solution matching the number of clusters requested
  • Chi-squared and extend_solutions p-value calculation warnings are now suppressed

metasnf 0.5.0

Breaking changes

  • All variables and values referencing p-values have been rephrased to end in _pval instead of a mix of p_val, pval, and p.
  • Removal of deprecated functions pval_select, p_val_select, top_oms_per_cluster, check_subj_orders_for_lp, get_p, chi_sq_pval,
  • Function pval_summaries, which would calculate min/max/mean p-values, has been replaced with summarize_pvals
  • train_test_assign now provides results as named list of subject vectors instead of a data.frame. keep_split function has been removed accordingly.

Other changes

  • sort_subjects parameter added to generate_data_list to allow for sorting of subjects in the data_list

metasnf 0.4.6

  • fix bug in extend_solutions that incorrectly assigns p-values to variable columns through grep (substring instead of exact match)

metasnf 0.4.5

  • extend_solutions can now also be parallelized (see ?extend_solutions)
  • remove_signal function has sig_digs parameter that can be used to restrict how many significant figures are returned in the resulting residuals

metasnf 0.4.4

  • calc_om_aris is now MUCH faster after removing excessive calls to as.numeric and enabling parallel processing with future.apply. Thanks for the idea, Alper.

metasnf 0.4.3

  • Reformatting of extend_solutions to better handle extreme p-values (e.g. infinity)
  • Replacement of p_val_select with pval_select which can also return negative-log p-values

metasnf 0.4.2

Bug fixes

metasnf 0.4.1

Breaking changes

  • lp_row function has been replaced by lp_solutions_matrix. The new function is order agnostic: full data lists can be constructed without any restriction on how training and testing set subjects are sorted. Subjects present in the provided solutions matrix to propagate are assumed to be the training subjects.

New functionality

  • calc_om_aris now has progress parameter. When set to true and used in conjunction with progressr::with_progress(), a progress bar is shown for the calculations. Learn more with ?calc_om_aris.

Bug fixes

  • grepl instead of grep used in extend_solutions to reduce errors when no chi-squared warning occurs

Other changes

  • A vignette specifically for label propagation has been added
  • Full removal of several previously deprecated functions
  • Minor source code reformatting

metasnf 0.4.0

New functionality

metasnf 0.3.3

Breaking changes

  • input_wt and domain_wt are removed from settings_matrix and rest of package - weighting at this level is no longer planned. This will result in altered settings matrices, but only superficially - the columns “input_wt” and “domain_wt” will be missing, but had no effect on the SNF prior to this patch anyway.

metasnf 0.3.2

  • keep_split will preserve observations who were assigned a split but were not present in the dataframe being split. Instead of being removed, those observations will have NA values.

metasnf 0.3.1

Bug fixes

  • fixed fraction_clustered_together crashing when a cluster was assigned to only a single observation
  • fixed fraction_clustered_together not running due to bracket typo when evaluating length of the data_list

New functionality

  • correlation_pval_heatmap function can have significance stars disabled with significance_stars parameter

Other changes

  • pkgdown site now has google site verification code

metasnf 0.3.0

Breaking changes

  • The original SNFtool function estimateNumberOfClustersGivenGraph has been used up to this point without specifying a parameter for NUMC. Consequently, final similarity matrices clustered with the default methods (spectral clustering based on eigen-gap or rotation cost heuristics) were not capable of resulting in more than 5 clusters. The default functions have been updated to span 2 clusters to 10 clusters. Users will likely see different clustering results as a result of this change. To replicate the behaviour of default spectral clustering prior to v0.3.0, users should copy the following code prior to the batch_snf command:
clust_algs_list <- generate_clust_algs_list(
    "spectral_eigen" = spectral_eigen_classic,
    "spectral_rot" = spectral_rot_classic

# Adapt below as necessary
solutions_matrix <- batch_snf(
    clust_algs_list = clust_algs_list

New functionality

Other changes

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.