Manhattan plot of feature-meta cluster associaiton p-values
Given a data frame of representative meta cluster solutions (see
, returns a Manhattan plot for showing
feature separation across all features in provided data/target lists.
dl = NULL,
target_dl = NULL,
variable_order = NULL,
neg_log_pval_thresh = 5,
threshold = NULL,
point_size = 5,
text_size = 20,
plot_title = NULL,
xints = NULL,
hide_x_labels = FALSE,
domain_colours = NULL
- ext_sol_df
A sol_df that contains "_pval" columns containing the values to be plotted. This object is the output of
.- dl
List of data frames containing data information.
- target_dl
List of data frames containing target information.
- variable_order
Order of features to be displayed in the plot.
- neg_log_pval_thresh
Threshold for negative log p-values.
- threshold
p-value threshold to plot horizontal dashed line at.
- point_size
Size of points in the plot.
- text_size
Size of text in the plot.
- plot_title
Title of the plot.
- xints
Either "outcomes" or a vector of numeric values to plot vertical lines at.
- hide_x_labels
If TRUE, hides x-axis labels.
- domain_colours
Named vector of colours for domains.
A Manhattan plot (class "gg", "ggplot") showing the association p-values of features against each solution in the provided solutions data frame, stratified by meta cluster label.
# dl <- data_list(
# list(subc_v, "subcortical_volume", "neuroimaging", "continuous"),
# list(income, "household_income", "demographics", "continuous"),
# list(pubertal, "pubertal_status", "demographics", "continuous"),
# list(anxiety, "anxiety", "behaviour", "ordinal"),
# list(depress, "depressed", "behaviour", "ordinal"),
# uid = "unique_id"
# )
# sc <- snf_config(
# dl = dl,
# n_solutions = 20,
# min_k = 20,
# max_k = 50
# )
# sol_df <- batch_snf(dl, sc)
# ext_sol_df <- extend_solutions(
# sol_df,
# dl = dl,
# min_pval = 1e-10 # p-values below 1e-10 will be thresholded to 1e-10
# )
# # Calculate pairwise similarities between cluster solutions
# sol_aris <- calc_aris(sol_df)
# # Extract hierarchical clustering order of the cluster solutions
# meta_cluster_order <- get_matrix_order(sol_aris)
# # Identify meta cluster boundaries with shiny app or trial and error
# # ari_hm <- meta_cluster_heatmap(sol_aris, order = meta_cluster_order)
# # shiny_annotator(ari_hm)
# # Result of meta cluster examination
# split_vec <- c(2, 5, 12, 17)
# ext_sol_df <- label_meta_clusters(ext_sol_df, split_vec, meta_cluster_order)
# # Extracting representative solutions from each defined meta cluster
# rep_solutions <- get_representative_solutions(sol_aris, ext_sol_df)
# mc_manhattan <- mc_manhattan_plot(
# rep_solutions,
# dl = dl,
# point_size = 3,
# text_size = 12,
# plot_title = "Feature-Meta Cluster Associations",
# threshold = 0.05,
# neg_log_pval_thresh = 5
# )
# mc_manhattan